Friday, December 16, 2011

Hoops, Hoops and more Hoops!

It seems like the hoops that we have to jump through to get the business are never ending! It seems like every time we get situated another issue pops up. I guess I better get used to it because that is what business is all about. It is looking like we should be able to close seconds before the Christmas. We didn't get Thanksgiving sales but HOPEFULLY we will get Christmas sales. Dad is pretty busy for Christmas so we will have to wait to get his help until the following week, which is fine. The last week of the year and we will have to establish the business and close the year out all in the same week. Then its tax time. We will also have the boys and the dogs. The Kennel does have a house on the property that we are buying as well, however, we do not get to move into it until after the two week that the seller will be training us, so we will be living inside the kennel. Oh well, we are used to living in transit; out of suit cases and on air mattresses. Regardless, it will be wonderful to have the family together and the house and business purchased. Only took 5 months.

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